Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Assignement #5

This two sentences are simple because they only have one independent clause.( http://www.cambronrebeca.blogspot.com/).

This is an example of a complex sentence with one independent clause and a dependent clause introduced by the subordinator “because”.

In these sentences, there are only one independent clause. (http://yjpapaya.blogspot.com/).

Student #2 here used a beautiful simple sentence. One subject verb combination (there – are) , one clause making complete sense, a simple sentence.

We want it to goes the ways we want. (http://minh-khieu.blogspot.com/).

This sentence has two subject verb combinations (we-want) where both make sense alone. Nice example of a compound sentence.

The sentence has two subject-verbs, and both of them are independent clauses because the clause which is “so that pretty much wiped out the four-million-dollar boats” starts with “so” to combine these two independent clauses. (http://chin-yin.blogspot.com/).

This sentence is compound complex because it has four subject verb combination with two dependent clauses and two independent clauses.

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