Thursday, May 31, 2007

sentences type

I was there six days and nights.p.6
This sentence only has one subject and verb combination, makes completely sense by itself , consequently it is a simple sentence

The salt in the wood makes it slow to burn and it was difficult to light. P.6
This clause has two subject and verb combinations separated by the conjunction “and” and which makes sense individually: two simple sentences

When I was about fourteen, I made one wild attempt at sailing. P.8
The first sentence starts with subordination conjunction “when” making the first sentence a subordinated clause while the second sentence is a complete simple sentence.

Compound complex
Then I began to read about the sea and found that the Pacific Ocean was so enormous it dominated the entire planet; all the land mass in the world could fit inside the Pacific and there would still be sea around it. P. 10
This clause is collection of two independent clauses and two dependent clauses that make it a compound complex sentence.

Type unsure
Maybe I longed for it now because of all the time spent eating sand in the winds of the desert.


Sentenceguy said...

Consider this sentence from your post:

This sentence only has one subject and verb combination, makes completely sense by itself , consequently it is a simple sentence.

Is this a good sentence or not such a good sentence? How do you know?

Unknown said...

Maybe I longed for it now because of all the time spent eating sand in the winds of the desert. (From your post)

What do you mean that you unsure? Do you mean that you don't know where are the subject-verb combination or you couldn't tell that which is independent clause and which is dependent clause?

Cha said...

From your last post, I think that this is complex sentece because there is one independent clause and one subordinator. Don't you think so?